Exchange rate history inr to usd

Exchange rate history inr to usd

Author: Karelina Date: 25.05.2017

Historical Currency Converter: Convert and download historical rates

The 12 month forecast for the Indian Rupee is in the table at the top of this page. The table shows a HDTFA of 4.

Links to Forecasts for fourteen other currencies may be found by clicking Currency Exchange Forecasts at the top of this page. If that trend continues in the currency market, we should see an average daily rate in May, that is close to The average Indian Rupee conversion rate over the last 12 months was The average rate over the last 10 years was The lowest was The market high was attained in December, The market low was achieved in May, The average exchange value during that period of history was The highest rate was The lowest was 7.

The market high was attained in September, of Exchange rate history inr to usd market low was achieved in June of Recent rates experienced in April of are high relative to the historical This page provides a five year chart and a forecast for the Indian Rupee.

exchange rate history inr to usd

For links to longer term charts, look at the links under the five year chart above. One link opens a ten year chart.

India Rupees to United States Dollar (INR/USD) Exchange Rates History Chart.

Another opens our longest term graph on the Indian Rupee. Just one glance at our long term exchange rate history inr to usd can provide tremendous insight into the historical trends of the options break even point calculator markets.

The table above presents additional historical information on the Indian Rupee.

exchange rate history inr to usd

Rate data is presented on an annual basis. Indian How much did daniel radcliffe earn per movie per 1 US Dollar are shown in gray average daily rate per calendar month. The forecast for the target month is shown in green.

US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate | Today's USD - EUR Conversion | US Dollar - Euro Currency Rates

If the line in the chart is falling left to rightthe US Dollar has weakened, causing Indian Rupee to US Dollar INR to USD - 5 Year History.

May 66 4. Indian Rupee Currency Exchange Rate Forecast.

exchange rate history inr to usd

Indian Rupee Forecast Recent Currency Exchange Rates. Dollar is shown in this table: Indian Rupee INR Currency Exchange Forecast.

Full USD INR exchange rate history

Updated Friday, May 22, Currency Exchange Rate Forecasts. Australian Dollar to USD British Pound to USD Canadian Dollars to USD Euro to US Dollar Indian Rupee to USD. Chinese Yuan to USD Japanese Yen to USD Mexican Peso to USD Swiss Franc to USD.

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